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(Effective Aug 1, 2022)

Welcome to Histologics

Compassionate Colposcopy

Kylon® Hooked-Fabric Biopsy Technology

Histologics LLC is proud to have developed Soft-ECC® endocervical curette, and the SoftBiopsy® exocervical gynecological biopsy device. Both devices employ a multipatented hooked fabric (Kylon®) that simultaneously biopsies with frictional raking/de-bonding of epithelium from stroma, and traps and stores the tissue for transport to the lab.

The Soft-ECC® and SoftBiopsy® were developed with the patient care experience in mind. The Soft-ECC® design is intended to fit into most endocervical canals and yield an abundant biopsy sample. The ECC procedure is usually performed to remove tissue from the endocervical canal for histological analysis during colposcopy or during the diagnostic work-up of abnormal peri-menopausal or menopausal bleeding. Unlike cytobrush sampling which is a cytologic screening modality, Soft-ECC® curettage produces diagnostic histological samples. 

Read more …Welcome to Histologics

Welcome Gynecor and PathAI Customers

Please call us to discuss our minimally invasive devices:

Webinar: A Review of Kylon

webinar225 lonky

Join Us for an Exclusive Webinar with Dr. Lonky, Inventor of Kylon®

📅 When:
February 18th, 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM PST

What It’s About:
Join Dr. Lonky, CEO of Histologics and inventor of Kylon®, to explore how this innovative technology is transforming wound care. Learn how Kylon® enhances debridement efficiency through advanced wound bed stimulation, supporting optimal healing and improved patient outcomes. This webinar offers an exclusive opportunity to hear directly from the inventor about the future of wound care.

🎁 Exclusive Discount:
Attendees will receive 20% off up to 500 Kylon® devices as a special thank-you for joining.

🔗 Seats are limited—don’t miss your chance to participate!

👉 Register Here:


Research Supports Compassionate New Biopsy Approach For Women's Health In Cervical Cancer Prevention

Research Supports Compassionate New Biopsy Approach
For Women's Health In Cervical Cancer Prevention

(3) Mogolia; Gynecologic Research Foundation, USA 2020  - A study conducted in concert with this not for profit organization and the National Cancer Institute evaluated a rapid, high volume system to screen, biopsy, triage and when indicated, treat women at risk of harboring high grade cervical cancer precursors.  A bedside rapid colposcopic imaging system and Histologics' SoftBiopsy® device was used to diagnose women at risk who underwent treatment.
(2) Orange County and Inland Empire, CA 2012 - A randomized clinical trial comparing conventional sharp forceps ectocervical biopsy and endocervical curettage devices was compared with a novel "fabric-based" single-use disposable sterile device regarding the patient care experience of women undergoing either type of biopsy, and the apparent bleeding that resulted from ectocervical biopsy.  The research showed the fabric-based "Kylon®" hooked fabric provided a more gentle approach without compromising on the diagnostic quality of the specimens.
(1) Anaheim, CA 2014 - A new study compares new, safe, single-use disposable biopsy curettes tipped with a medical fabric (Kylon®) with the pre-existing reusable metal sharp curettes.  Dr. Justin Diedrich at UC Riverside School of Medicine and co- investigators Drs. Sumra Rathore and Joel Bentz, leading pathologists from Aurora Diagnostics, Palm Beach, Florida, have published a large study regarding over 10,000 colposcopy work-ups after abnormal Pap Smears and Human Papillomavirus testing in the July e-issue of the Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease. Dr. Diedrich stated  Our study proved the new brushes are superior in tissue yield with which the colposcopists discovered disease that the older devices missed.

Read more …Research Supports Compassionate New Biopsy Approach For Women's Health In Cervical Cancer Prevention

Procedure Demonstration Videos

These videos demonstrate a gentle approach to cervical tissue collection with our minimally invasive devices.
SoftBiopsy® Procedure with Specimen - Video
Soft-ECC® Procedure with Specimen - Video


Have Our Devices Enhanced The Care
And Treatment Of Your Patients?

Please take just a few minutes to let us know your opinions and comments about our minimally invasive devices. Your feedback to us also allows us to highlight your commitment to compassionate colposcopy.
Our devices are used nationwide and we are receiving calls from women across the country looking for physicians offering colposcopy using our technology. Featuring your comments on our website will offer insight to patients looking for a gentle approach to colposcopy and will be a useful introduction to clinicians interested in new technology.
"The Soft-ECC rotation method assures I get a 360 degree sample with every biopsy". "The samples are abundant and diagnostic and the patients seem more comfortable than when I used the Kevorkian curette." 
Ronald Kohorn MD, Ob/Gyn
Orange County, CA
"I think I speak for all of the providers in our large group & can say these products have been a game changer for our patients. The satisfaction and comfort is amazing and pathology also appreciates the excellent tissue quality. Will never go back to the old very painful methods. Please feel free to send any San Antonio & surrounding area patients our way. Excellent product!"
Henry Garza MD, FACOG
Acacia OBG Schertz - NE San Antonio Chief of Obstetrics & Gynecology Section
Baptist Healthcare System San Antonio, TX 
"I’m really pleased with the instruments you developed and am using them exclusively. Nice samples, not much discomfort, not too deep, and nothing to sterilize!"
Myron R. Kanofsky M.D,
Orange, CA OBGYN Colposcopist
"I wanted to send my excitement for finding these Histologics SoftBiopsy products. It has revolutionized my colposcopy procedure and I could not be happier! I can now do colposcopic biopsies in such an efficient manner that causes no pain to the patient and does not result in significant bleeding. The patients cannot believe how smooth the procedure goes, and to be honest, neither can I!

The lab has not had any problems reading the biopsy specimens, and I feel utmost confidence in the results. I have been thankful for the confidence that I have in collecting the specimens, especially when high-grade lesions are diagnosed.

I cannot thank you enough for your product! I predict that in a few years, this way of colposcopic biopsy will be what liquid-based pap smears are now for cervical screening If you are ever looking for a physician in the San Francisco Bay Area to market your products, please know that I would be interested! I am completely sold on your product and firmly believe that it is the future of colposcopic medicine. I’m really pleased with the instruments you developed and am using them exclusively. Nice samples, not much discomfort, not too deep, and nothing to sterilize!"
T.B., Bilhartz
Women's Health Center
"I am writing to express my appreciation of the minimally invasive biopsy devices your company provides. I have been a fan of the Spirabrush since it first came out, preferring it over the traditional punch biopsy for most patient scenarios as it is much gentler and atraumatic. Patients are visibly relieved when they see the brush device, instead of a frightening biopsy tool.

It also lessens the time to perform the exam because 5 minutes aren’t wasted trying to control bleeding. Most importantly, it provides abundant tissue of the entire TZone, which improves accuracy of diagnosis. The recent breakthrough with the Soft biopsy fabric devices add even more options to tailor sampling for specific cervical morphology and SCJ location.

The soft ECC is a superior endocervical sampler, with the smaller size very helpful in sampling nullips. I recently picked up an invasive cancer in a young woman with the soft ECC tool. I love all the options we now have to make colposcopy a gentler, less traumatic exam while providing optimal tissue for accurate diagnosis!"
Robin Black, OGNP, FASCCP
"I have been a long time Spirabrush CX user and like it most for the versatility of reaching lesions off the central cervix at the periphery. I like the SoftBiopsy for lesions at the center of the cervix near the os, at or inside the transformation zone. I love the Soft-ECC and occasionally still use the Kevorkian currette for stenotic cervices, but am willing to try the Soft-ECC-S for those cases"
James H. Schultz, MD, MBA, FAAFP, DiMM
ChiefMedical Officer
Neighborhood Healthcare
"I find these soft biopsies really useful, especially when it is difficult to get a good biopsy with traditional forceps - these yield excellent tissue samples"
Simone Cox, RNNP
Los Angeles, CA

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